However, we have read and reviewed a huge number of chess books, across many different categories, and geared toward all the different playing levels. There are thousands of chess books currently on the market, making it impossible to tell which are guaranteed to be the very best chess books ever written. Have you ever wondered what separates a decent amateur chess player from the chess professional? Intermediate players might actually find parts of this volume too basic it starts by teaching the moves and basic checkmates, for instance, but much of the book will be useful for advanced beginners, and the other books in the series-particularly Winning Chess Tactics and Winning Chess Strategies- will truly help take your game up to a decent club level. Play Winning Chess gives a basic overview of every aspect of chess play, from strategy to tactics, the opening to the endgame. Play Winning Chess is just the first book in the Winning Chess series all written by Seirawan, and the entire series could easily have found a place on this list. What other books take for granted, this one explains in detail, which is why Logical Chess will always be a great choice for improving players.

One of the true classics of chess writing, Logical Chess is perfect for players who want a complete explanation of why strong chess players make the moves they choose.

The five books featured here are for players who have advanced past the first, most basic steps of learning chess, and who want to become solid club players. Books for Intermediate Players - Chess Forums.